The 2024-2025 Board

  • Neema Darabi


    Hello! My name is Neema Darabi (he/him) and I am the president. I am a fourth year neuroscience major. I am from Naperville, Illinois. As president, I am excited to meet and work with the NEURO club board members and general members! I am interested in computational neuroscience and currently am in the Sensorimotor Bionics lab which develops with neuroprosthetics. My favorite flavor of ice cream is Jeni's gooey butter cake.

  • Adi Orlyanchik


    Hi!! My name is Adi (she/her) and I'm the Vice President of Neuro Club :P I'm a fourth year majoring in neuroscience and I work at the Freedman Lab where I study the neural mechanisms underlying rapid learning in non-human primates. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI (go blue!) and I love to run, cook, and go to concerts. My favorite ice cream flavor is Jeni's Brambleberry Crisp!

  • Jinming Wang


    Hello! My name is Jinming Wang (he/him), and I am serving as Neuro Club’s treasurer this year. My hometown is Carpinteria, California, which is a stark departure from the likes of a major city like Chicago. I am currently a third-year pre-med student double-majoring in neuroscience and economics. I am an RA at the Gomez lab, which seeks to develop a more nuanced understanding of ataxia, a form of neurogenetic disease that impairs motor function. Some hobbies of mine include tennis, running, ultimate, and spending ungodly amounts of time in both the Reg and Mansueto. And finally, my favorite ice cream flavor as of now would probably have to be salted-caramel.

  • Armin Pazooki


    Hi! My name is Armin Pazooki (he/him), and I am the secretary for Neuro Club. I am a third-year majoring in neuroscience with a minor in near eastern languages and civilizations. I am from Orland Park, which is a town less than an hour away from Chicago. I am especially interested in neurobiology and am currently in the Mason lab, which deals with social behavior in rats and somatosensation in humans. Specifically, I’ve been working in proprioception in patients with neurological conditions such as diabetic neuropathy. Outside of Neuro Club, I love drinking rare tea with my friends. Also, my favorite flavor of ice cream is butter pecan (although I like it more as a milkshake).

  • Audrey Kaye


    Hi, my name is Audrey (she/they), I’m from Hong Kong, and I’m a third-year majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Science Communication and Public Discourse. As the Marketing Director, I manage this website and the other social media pages. I am a research intern in the Experience, Memory, and Knowledge Lab (Yu Lab), where I study brain region coordination during the formation and reactivation of spatial and sensory memories. I also study cuttlefish camouflage for the Hanlon Lab at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Beyond neuroscience, I love oil painting, drinking soup, and picking flowers for my friends! My current favorite ice cream flavor is guava lemon.

  • Jack Poon


    Hi everyone! My name is Jack Poon (he/him) and I'm the Events Coordinator for Neuro Club. I'm currently a second year majoring in Neuroscience and Gender and Sexuality Studies on the premed track. I'm from Palo Alto, CA located in the San Francisco Bay Area (shoutout to my Bay people) and in my free time I enjoy brewing tea, playing with my adorable corgi Miso, and very occasionally posting food reviews when I muster the energy to. Outside of Neuro Club, I also work for the Prendergast Lab researching development and chronobiology in rodents, as well as collect patient sleep data through sensors and questionnaires with the SIESTA project at Shirley Ryan Ability Lab. Finally, my favorite ice cream flavor is always the one with the most chocolate in it (double chocolate chip brownie my love)!

  • Vivian Chang


    Hi! My name is Vivian (she/her), and I’m a second year majoring in Neuroscience and Computational Biology. I’m from the Bay Area, California. As the Director of the Committee on University Enrichment (CUE), I organize large and small-scale lectures, symposiums, panels, presentations, and talks on the University of Chicago campus (such as NEURO Chats and the Lecture Series) in order to promote brain research and neuroscience awareness. I work in the Green lab, which researches how neuronal synapses form, are maintained, and change with activity and disease. Besides Neuro Club, I’m involved in UBallet and CUSA (Chinese Undergraduate Student Association). I also love exploring new restaurants with friends, going to museums, and spending time with family. My favorite ice cream flavor is Salt & Straw’s chocolate gooey brownie!

  • Quinn Liu


    I'm Quinn (they/them). I'm a third year, and I'm excited to be directing CED this year. I'm a computer science and cognitive science major. As CED director, I will be helping organize educational opportunities for NEURO members. We will design neuroscience curricula and teach high school student neuro lessons! I do research in the Berman lab, and I like to draw in my spare time. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate.

  • Chris Cardenas


    Hi y’all, my name is Chris (he/him) and I’m a rising fourth year, majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in English and Creative Writing. I’m from White Plains, NY, a suburb outside of NYC. Next year I will be the Potential Co-editor in chief, which means that I help coordinate and run Potential, neuro club's very own neuroscience journal. I work at the Carrillo lab, investigating how synaptic connectivity is achieved in the Drosophila neuromuscular system. Outside of neuro club, I enjoy watching or playing soccer and reading. Finally, my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.

  • Aliyah Overturf


    Hi! My name is Aliyah (she/her) and I’m a second year Neuroscience major on the pre-med track. I am from Juneau, Alaska and I'm super excited to be the Fundraising Chair for Neuro Club this year! Outside of Neuro, I love figure skating, listening to Taylor Swift, baking, rowing with UC Crew, and yapping in Bartlett with my friends. My favorite ice cream flavor is the Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy Americone Dream!

  • Janya Allen


    Hi, my name is Janya (she/her), I'm a 3rd year, and the Mentorship Chair. I'm a Neuroscience Major, Chemistry Minor on the Pre-Med Track. I recently joined a clinical research lab with focuses on sleep, neuroscience, and patient outcomes. I love to create content, travel, and engage in health/wellness promotion. Mentorship and networking are a big part of my support system, so I'm excited to help facilitate those bonds this year! My favorite ice cream flavor is vegan Ben and Jerry's.

  • Lesley Garay


    Hi guys!! My name is Lesley and my pronouns are she/her. Fun fact, I have a terrible sense of direction but that allows me to explore offbeat destinations! 😄 I’m a biology major who loves to write, so I hope to minor in creative writing! I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland, and really look forward to meeting new neuro members this year!

  • Eric Cajigas


    Im Eric Cajigas, he/him, I’m a class of 2025 student representative and I’m not sure what ice cream flavor’s my favorite. Like I had mint chocolate chip earlier today and i liked it as much as I like cookie dough which I always get but I wouldn’t consider either my favorite. I like plain vanilla also but that Superman flavor that some places have that’s like 3 unnaturally neon bright colors is great. I feel like the waffle cone is also under appreciated when people eat ice cream, like you get a crunchy snack with the ice cream and when it absorbs some of the ice cream it’s like eating flavored waffle. It’s kinda like when cereal gets soggy with milk, which I will stand by as being a great addition to the meal that is cereal, just not something that I would actively seek out. We can’t forget about flavored waffle cones either, like those with the rim covered in chocolate oh my lord. It’s basically a second dessert with the dessert, it’s been years since I’ve had it and I think it might just kill me if I try it. There is also deep fried ice cream, yes it is real and yes it is delicious. It’s like a crunchier than waffle shell around the ice cream and it goes so well with the ice cream itself, and I’ve never seen it anywhere besides one place in Detroit from when I was 8. I should go try to find that place cause it is that good.

  • Bianca Dwork


    Hi, my name is Bianca Dwork (she/her) and I'm a Support Cell for the NEURO Club board! I'm a second-year from NYC majoring in Neuroscience and also an editor for the club journal Potential. I work in the Kratsios lab, which focuses on motor neurons from their development to diseases such as ALS. Outside of NEURO Club, I enjoy playing violin and video games and watching movies with my friends. You can probably also find me knitting something whenever my hands are free. My favorite ice cream flavor is probably fig, but I'm also a big fan of blueberry pie!